The Basics of Microsoft Excel

Your Destination: Learn the basics on how to use Microsoft Excel, which is a useful tool for organizing data. Knowing how to using Microsoft Excel will also broaden your opportunities for employment.  

Travel Kit: computer, Microsoft Excel

On the Path: 

Step 1 Open Microsoft Excel, and start a new spreadsheet, “Blank Workbook.” An Excel document is referred to as a workbook.  

Step 2 To enter data, click on a blank cell, and start typing. You can also copy, cut, and paste any data you want into any cell. Notice that the columns are referred to as letters and the rows as numbers. Title cell A1 with the type of data you are entering, for example “Cost.” Enter data into the cells A2 and A3, for now.  

Step 3 Once you have entered your data, select the next blank cell, A4. Type “=Sum (A2:A3), and then press Enter. You will get the sum of A2 and A3 automatically calculated into A4. 

Step 4 To save your work, hit Ctrl + S. If you have not saved it already, you will have to name the workbook.  

Step 5 To share your work, click the “Share” button in the top-right corner of the window.  

Group Tour: Have a partner look over your Excel sheet to see if you put in the data correctly. Being able to share your spreadsheet and have someone check your work will ensure that your data is accurate.  

Extend Your Journey: Keep practicing using Excel. Making a spreadsheet does not have to be exclusively for data. You can make a schedule, a to-do list, or even plan events on it. Being able to familiarize yourself on Microsoft Excel will help you quite a lot.  

Learn New Vocabulary: spreadsheet 

Resources and Visual Aids: Access our blogpost, How to Use Excel: /blog/how-to-use-excel/

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