Bird Origami Hand Puppet

Title: Bird Origami Hand Puppet Description: Students make hand puppets using a single sheet of paper and folding paper like a traditional origami fortune teller. This project is a great way to introduce compassion as a theme. Students relate to the different characters and the stories they create. Project Ideas: theater, interpersonal, compassion, body …

Origami Frogs: 折紙青蛙

折紙青蛙 Theme: 教學大綱: 創作各式各樣、不同顏色大小的折紙青蛙。 Author: 作者: Alysia Age Group: 適合這堂課的學生程度: 小學1到5年級。 Historical Art Examples or References: 參考輔助教材: 青蛙生態圖片,時間如果足夠,收集更多資料做為輔助教材 Vocabulary: 辭彙: 青蛙, 折摺紙術 Materials Needed: 主要材料:紙、剪刀 Optional Materials: 其他材料: 畫色彩的材料如蠟筆、水彩筆、塑膠眼睛、亮片粉、膠水。 Anticipatory Set: 其他延伸(問學生): 講述有關青蛙的詩或有趣的事情做開場。 Breakdown: 教學指引/教學步驟: (需要準備多些時間) 討論 / 展示不同青蛙的照片 (開放鼓勵讓學生多方面討論). 簡單講解折摺紙術(5 分鐘) 展示完成品.老師跟學生同時創作。(5 -10分鐘) 選擇:舌頭、眼睛、蒼蠅、蓮花葉等等都可以加入青蛙的作品中, 用彩色塗料、色筆來裝飾創作(5 -10分鐘)。 4. 討論及分享(5 -10分鐘) …

Pet Care, Origami, and Abstract Art

Previous Next Students draw pictures of cats on chairs with abstract paintings in the background. OBJECTIVES 1. Planning consecutive art classes using subject matter of pets from our first project, looking at photographs, and making realistic drawings.2. Learning to fold paper origami pets to see how placement of triangles can differentiate a …

Ribbit Ribbit: The Pre-school Minnows Create Origami Frogs!

Project Title: Origami Frogs Description: Teach students about frogs and their habitats. Author: Mary Hager Grade level or Target Age Range: Preschool Vocabulary: frogs, origami. Materials: Large construction paper (white), regular construction paper (green, pink, yellow), crayons, scissors, paper flies, and frog sound videos. Anticipatory set: Fun facts about frogs! We started by discussing the life …