Prepare to Interview Someone for a Publication/Airing

Your Destination: Learn how to prepare for an interview. Think about the person you will interview and what topic you want to focus on, such as their brand or lifestyle, an event, work, or publications. There are endless ideas you can choose from! 

Travel Kit: notebook, pen or pencil, colored pens, voice recorder, camera 

On the Path:

Step 1 Do as much research about the interviewee before meeting them. You want to avoid asking questions that are already known, so doing research beforehand can help give you an idea of what kind of questions to ask.  

Step 2 Think of at least ten to fifteen questions that will give you more than a “yes/no” response like: who, what, when, where, why, and how. You can ask “yes/no” questions but remember to follow up with another, related question.  

Step 3 Practice asking the questions you have prepared. Being able to ask these questions as naturally as you can allows for a better flow of conversation. You want to make it feel like a conversation, not an interrogation.  

Group Tour: Practice asking questions with your classmates. Pretend they are the interviewee and that you are interviewing them. They can make up their answers. The goal is to make sure you are asking questions confidently, making eye contact, and looking at the person as you talk.  

Extend Your Journey: During the actual interview, be sure to have a notebook, pen/pencil, and a voice recorder or camera to record the interview. Make sure that the interviewee consents to being recorded. 

Learn New Vocabulary: consent, conversation, interrogation, interviewee 

Resources and Visual Aids: Access our blogpost on How to Interview Someone: /blog/how-to-interview-someone-for-a-publication-airing

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