Lesson #3: Keep on Track!

Your Destination: Self-discipline is needed to stay focused on your goals. The practice of balancing your actual needs with your budget has the positive results of harmony and, in the long term, can teach you to take responsibility for your actions. Self-discipline is practiced and strengthened through everyday life, not just in one instance.

Travel Kit: See Purchase Power – Draw Your Dream Sneakers handout. It is okay to have fun sometimes and buy that phone you want – just make sure it is at the right time.

On the Path: You must be able to say no and yes to things to stay on your path; that is why it is so important to set a goal and make a budget for yourself.  

Step 1: Be aware of where your problems lie; don’t put yourself in a situation where you can’t say no. Think of a scenario where you could not say no and make sure not to create the same environment again. Look at your long-term goals to help you stay on track.

Step 2: Know the right time to save and buy. Prioritize what is the most important. Think about passing on something you don’t really need now, to save up for a bigger purchase, such as a car.  

Step 3: Figure out what is right for you. Write down your goal in many places where you can see it. Write it on a sticky note and put it on your fridge to remind you when you get off track. 

Extend Your Journey: Complete handouts – Purchase Power- Draw Your Dream Sneakers or Create Your Own Sneaker.

Learn new vocabulary: Discipline is the practice of obeying rules or standards of behavior.

Actions lead to consequences short-term or long-term. Self-discipline is essential in all aspects of life, sports, school, and work; you must understand what is good and bad for you in the long term, not just for tomorrow.