Lesson #10 Buy Smart

Your Destination: You work hard, so it’s time to reward yourself! It often pays to wait for a sale, when you might be able to purchase that product at a much lower price. You can also buy a similar product or non-brand product with the same purpose to save money.

Travel Kit: See Yearly Calendar for Best Buying Deals and Design Money-Saving App Logos handouts. While it is easy to just look at the price and buy it at a lower price, you also have to make sure it is good quality. You wouldn’t want to buy something that will break in two days. You can check the reviews online to avoid something like that, especially if it is a big purchase. 

On the Path: Buy in bulk when you can. However, don’t buy perishable items if you cannot consume them. If you buy in bulk and throw half of it away, you are not saving any money. 

Step 1: Consider downloading an app that gives you coupons. Some apps, like Groupon, allow you to purchase products or services for a lower price but you must buy them ahead of time. Earny monitors retailers and lets you know when a price on an item has dropped, and you can ask the company for your money back. There are many others to also consider. *

*The companies in this lesson plan are mentioned as examples only. Art Sphere Inc. does not endorse either or any of the companies mentioned in this book. 

Step 2: Whenever you can, consider buying a product in the off season when it is on sale. Look for examples of products to buy in the Yearly Calendar for Best Buying Deals Handout. 

Step 3: Store brand items are much cheaper than name brand items. Typically, the ingredients are the same, but the packaging is different. Do not pay for the packaging, pay for the product! 

Extend Your Journey: Just because you see a product at a low price, and it seems inexpensive doesn’t mean you need it. Don’t buy things you don’t need or want just because it is more affordable. Draw Design Money-saving App Logos and draw department store apps on the handout. 

Learn new vocabulary:

Deal – an agreement entered into by two or more parties for their mutual benefit.

Purchase power – the value of a currency expressed in terms of the number of goods or services that money can buy.

Resources and Visual Aids: