Establish a Timeline

Your Destination: Learn how to establish a timeline. This is helpful when you want to keep up with your goals. Looking at one big goal may be discouraging, but breaking it up into small goals along the way will help you get to accomplish your main goal.  

Travel Kit: notebook, pen or pencil, poster paper, markers or colored pencils 

On the Path: 

Step 1 Think about the final goal you want to accomplish. Is it getting your cause recognized by a bigger social media account? Do you want more people following your account? Think of the steps that you will need to do to accomplish your final goal.  

Step 2 Start your timeline with a small goal that is very possible to do, like making a dedicated account for the cause you want to support, or making a hashtag or podcast for the social issue you want to address. Having smaller goals will help you reach the main goal in a more manageable way.  

Step 3 Think about how long it will take to finish these tasks. Making an account may take you a whole day. Creating a podcast may take more than a week. Be sure to have realistic expectations for your goals.  

Step 4 With your goals, time estimates, and deadlines written down, put them on a poster or a large paper that you can hang up. Being able to see your goals all the time will help keep you motivated, and it will allow you to see your progress.  

Group Tour: Have a friend or classmate help you finish or reach your goals.  

Extend Your Journey: Think of a long-term goal you want to accomplish. Can it be achieved in a few months? A year, or more? Ask other people how they achieve their goals. See what they do differently and if you can use their advice to help you achieve your goals.  

Learn New Vocabulary: accomplish, goals 

Resources and Visual Aids: Access our blogpost, Establishing a Timeline: /blog/establishing-a-timeline/ 

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