Design a Poster

Your Destination: Learn how to create a poster that will make a change in your community. Think about what kind of changes you want to see to improve your community. Creating a poster will help spread awareness about an issue you want to share.  

Travel Kit: notebook, Pen or pencil, printer, printer paper, markers 

On the Path: 

Step 1 Think about what issue you want to address in your community. In your notebook, plan out a design for your poster so that people can get the message.  

Step 2 Your poster should be easy to see from a distance, so use an easy-to-read font and clear images. You can use a computer to create your poster, or do it by hand.  

Step 3 Pick a color scheme that matches the issue you are addressing. For example, if it is about nature, use neutral and green colors. This will help make the poster easy to understand.  

Step 4 Be sure to include all the necessary information on the poster like dates, phone numbers, website addresses, social media accounts, etc.  

Step 5 Have fun making your posters! They should be inspiring, creative, and colorful.  

Group Tour: Have a partner make a poster based on the same change you are addressing.  

Extend Your Journey: Make multiple posters and hand them out to anyone who wants the be more involved. Hang them up in public spaces where you are allowed to put posters, or make sure you get permission beforehand. 

Learn New Vocabulary: community  

Resources and Visual Aids: How to Design a Poster handout: /blog/design-a-poster/

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