Create Assets Maps

Your Destination: Creating an asset map helps with identifying institutions, individuals, and organizations. Learn how to make assets map to help organize all this information. 

Travel Kit: notebook, pen or pencil, Creately or another asset map template 

On the Path: 

Step 1 Find out what organization you want to create an asset map for. Find out who is involved by meeting with the people in that community to help you, like local leaders.  

Step 2 As you are talking to the community, find out what problems and concerns they have within their community.  

Step 3 What types of assets do you want to include on your map? Determine a geographic boundary based on your decisions of what you want to include. 

Step 4 Find the physical assets for your map like the land, public transportation, buildings, bodies of water, etc.   

Step 5 Find the economic assets, which should include what the citizens in the community make and use. Get their stories that reflect the history of the community.  

Step 6 List the skills, capacities, experiences, and passions of individuals in the community that can contribute to its strengths.  

Step 7 Identify the local associations, like recreation centers, schools, libraries, etc.  

Step 8 Use an asset map template, like Creately, to organize all this information to make it more presentable.  

Group Tour: Share your map with your classmates or friends. See what they found and put in their maps. Compare your findings with each other.  

Extend Your Journey: Use surveys to help collect more information about the organization and the community. This will help in creating a more detailed map.  

Learn New Vocabulary: asset map 

Resources and Visual Aids: Access our webpage, Creating Asset Maps: /asset-map/


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