Create an Awareness T-shirt

Your Destination: Clothes are something that everybody easily notices. Wearing a T-shirt about the cause you are supporting is a great way to spread awareness about it. Learn how to make a T-shirt that spreads awareness. 

Travel Kit: pen or pencil, blank t-shirt, fabric paint, paint brushes, cardboard, “Design a T-Shirt” handout 

On the Path: 

Step 1 Think of a cause you want to show support for, and sketch the design layout on the T-shirt handout. Why did you choose the cause you wanted to support? What is the theme of your design?  

Step 2 Start with a clean, blank T-shirt, and place a flat piece of cardboard inside the shirt so the paint does not bleed to the other side. Start by penciling in your design.  

Step 3 Paint your design on the T-shirt. Wait for the paint to dry, and follow the fabric paint instructions on how to take care of the paint once it dries.  

Step 4 Wear your t-shirt, and show your support wherever you can.  

Group Tour: Create a matching set with your classmate or friend.  

Extend Your Journey: Share your shirt on social media, and let people know about what you are supporting.  

Learn New Vocabulary: awareness  

Resources and Visual Aids: Design a T-Shirt Handout: /blog/how-to-design-a-t-shirt/