Create a Hashtag

Your Destination: Learn how to create a hashtag that will help make a change in your community by gaining attention and spreading awareness on social media.  

Travel Kit: notebook, pen or pencil, Instagram account  

On the Path: 

Step 1 Brainstorm ideas on what hashtag you want to create. Remember, it should be related to the cause you are trying to bring awareness to. Does the hashtag address the issue? Is it easy to remember? Make sure it is original so that people do not confuse your hashtag with one that is already known.  

Step 2 Use the hashtag on your Instagram posts by adding it to the comments section or in the caption, and let people know about the meaning of the hashtag. Make sure it is still relevant to the cause you want to support. How do you think people will react to the hashtag? Will you use it often? Is it practical?  

Step 3 Be sure to use your own hashtag often so that it gets more recognition. You can comment your hashtag to other posts that are related to the cause you want to support. Showing support and spreading awareness is the goal.  

Group Tour: Have a classmate or friend explore your new hashtag and let them use it in their own posts and comments related to the cause. 

Extend Your Journey: Create a hashtag challenge. This can get people to interact with you on social media which will help spread awareness.  

Learn New Vocabulary: relevant 

Resources and Visual Aids: How to Create a Hashtag handout: /blog/how-to-create-a-hashtag/

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