Create a Facebook Page 

Your Destination: Learn how to create your own Facebook page, and start understanding how to network on social media. Think about how you are going to brand yourself or what you are going to represent.  

Travel Kit: Facebook account 

On the Path:

Step 1 Go to the link “” Choose either “Business or Brand” or “Community or Public Figure.” For this lesson, it is recommended to use “Community or Public Figure.” Then, click on the “Get Started” button.  

Step 2 You will be asked to sign into your Facebook account. If you do not have one, create one. Once you are logged in, you will have to fill out the page’s information such as the name, category, and bio.  

Step 3 Once you have finished filling out the page information, click “Create Page.” Be sure to add photos and post frequently to keep your page active and bring in followers. This will allow you to make more connections online. Make sure the posts relate to your brand and what you represent. 

Group Tour: Tag your classmates or friends in a post on your page to help make connections. Let your followers and their followers discover more through your page.  

Extend Your Journey: Use photos that you took yourself or photos that you can credit and tag your new Facebook page. Being able to tag the account allows people to find out more about the community you are a part of. 

Learn New Vocabulary: connections 

Resources and Visual Aids: Access our blogpost, How to Create a Facebook Page: /blog/how-to-create-a-facebook-page/

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